What is Vanilla ?
Vanilla beans are derived from the orchid plant of the genus Vanilla. The word vanilla comes from the Spanish word “vaina” which translates to little pod. This vanilla ‘fruit’ was originally grown in Mesoamerica, part of which is where Mexico is located today. For many years, attempts were made to spread vanilla production to other countries. The first effort, in 1837, was by a Belgian botanist named Charles François Antoine Morren. More about the history here
In 1841 the second attempt to artificially pollinate vanilla orchids was done by a slave named Edmond Albius who lived on the French island of Réunion. More about Edmond here
Today, vanilla is grown around the world in countries such as Indonesia; Papua New Guinea; Uganda; Tanzania; Tonga; and French Polynesia to name a few. However, they can all be traced back to the one original type of Mesoamerican vanilla ‘fruit’ from Mexico~ where it is still grown to this day.
Madagascar Vanilla Beans ~ and why they are the best !!!
Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans (genus planifolia), which originated in the Americas, are grown on the islands in the Indian Ocean. These islands include Madagascar, the Comoros, and Réunion, formerly the Île Bourbon ( and hence its' name). Bourbon vanilla beans are the most popular type of vanilla, resulting from their clear and creamy flavor and the fact that Madagascar is the world’s top producer of vanilla. These vanilla beans are the thinnest of all types and also have the most flavor~ which is what we look for, and why they are the best.